softwarebyze Github Page

Israel Tech Challenge (ITC) Assignments

Dragon Snake ITC project to create a game. My group made a snake game that has both single player and multiplayer, using Socket.IO.

PetAdopt Final Project for ITC. It is a full stack pet adoption website where users can sign up and browse, save, foster and adopt pets. If a user is an admin, they have access to a dashboard for managing the pets and users. The project was built using the MERN stack and Bootstrap and was deployed with Vercel.

Microblog ITC Project using React and Firebase for broadcasting short messages.

Note it First ITC React project. The task was to create an app that lets the user create, view, edit, and delete notes.

Stock Exchange ITC Javascript Assignment to build a multipage stock exchange data website.

ITC SaaS Assignment First ITC Assignment. The task is to recreate a responsive sales-as-a-service dashboard design from Figma using only HTML and CSS. We had 5 days for this assignment.

FrontEndMasters Assignments

Home Page Page I created in FrontEndMasters day1 assignments

Learning CSS Page I used to experiment with CSS in FrontEndMasters day2 assignments

Alien Abduction Order Form Page I'm using for learning HTML Forms with FrontEndMasters

Calculator A limited functionality calculator I made while following the FrontendMasters tutorial. For fun, I added a feature to convert between shekels and USD.

Feed a Star Mole A game where you click on moles that show up to feed them, following another FrontendMasters tutorial.

Passion Projects

Cook Temps I use it to see what temp the food needs to be when cooking

Black I use it to make one monitor black while watching a video on another

Ruler Learning how to size elements accurately. Apparently "There Is No Such Thing As A CSS Absolute Unit" but at some point I want to try to use the viewing device's information to show an element true to actual size

Showcase I'm going to start taking screenshots of things I'm working on and store them in a folder. Then, this site will post them in a random way to the screen.

Superdeed Forms Page with links to forms for my father's estate planning law firm.

Grandma Mary's Paintings A gallery to show off some of my grandma's beautiful paintings.

Snippy A Chrome and Firefox extension for saving text snippets to be easily copied.